Thursday, July 30, 2009

Language: the soul of culture.

Language is a major cultural feature. When you learn a new language, you absorb automatically a lot of significant elements of a new culture. Thus, since I came here, I grasp different aspects of American culture quite simply by learning English.

Now, I really understand that you can grasp the mental structures of a human group by learning his language. Personally, to discover the American culture in general represents an important enrichment. In my opinion, Anglo-Saxon people think differently from people who are mostly influenced by Latin culture. Since I was child, I went to schools that followed french patterns. Actually, to evolve in an American academic environment requires a great calling into question. I think that the transition is a little bit sudden.

Although, I appreciate to discover new cultures. I'm not afraid to experiment the American culture; I'm rather excited. But, I'm just expecting the experience to be realized in the respect of each culture, by pushing aside every ethnocentric attitude.

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