Sunday, August 2, 2009

Frankétienne, the sacred monster of the contemporary haitian literature.

Frankétienne, the sacred monster of the Haitian contemporary literature.

Poet, novelist, dramatist, painter and musician, Franck belongs to this category of artists who , stimulated by an unquenchable creative thirst , extend the prolific breath of their inspiration to the diverse and varied artistic fields. He's born in Artibonite county, in Haiti in April 12, 1936 after her mother was raped by a white man.

Frankétienne uses a very original, complex, multidimensional literary approach. His piece is based on the notion of " spiral" which he defines as " an absolute structure that reproduces the infinite movement of the reality by the triple process of the thesis, the antithesis, and the synthesis." The author , follower of the "spiralism" highlights the affinities that exist between the spiral and the aesthetic or the theory of chaos. This theory, at the opposite of the traditional scientific theories that propose a restrictive vision of the reality, due exclusively to a Cartesian method, introduces us to a vision of a much less amplified reality. This revolution way of thinking is due to the discoveries of the quantum physics,(Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein) and besides of the fractal geometry.

These discoveries lead to talk about the spirituality of the matter, and about the materiality of the mind. Franck himself, especially in his poetry, mentions that he calls the "exfoliation of the imaginary" as a method that can allow us to grasp the infinite diversity of this multidimensional phenomenon that life is.

Franck writes in French and Creole. For instance, " Dézafi" is the first novel written in Haitian Creole." Foukifoura", " Bobomasouri", are also important creole writings that he writes. His work is pretty vast. " Au fil du temps", " Mur à crever", " Galaxie-Chaos-Babel" , "Ultravocal" and " La méduse orpheline" are some realizations of the vast work of Frankétienne. "Prince Claus Award in Holland", "Grand prix du livre insulaire d'Ouessant", " Prix Union Latine de Littératures Romanes" are also some awards that this author has collected. He was also a serious candidate for the last Nobel Prize in Literature. Unfortunately, the prize was obtained by the french writer J.M Le Clézio.

I'm aware that it is not so easy to discuss about an artist of the caliber of Frankétienne. His work is too vast, too complex to be explained in a short time in a short text written by a young student. What I did is simply to try to present on the limits of my capacities the main ideas that compose the structure of the works of Frankétienne. You can make deeper your knowledge of this great artist by reading his own books , and also by reading the important specialized works that are written about him and his work.

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